Site Visitors
Knowledgeable. Resourceful. Supportive.
All IACS site visitors have experience at an IACS accredited center and hold Master Degrees. While it is not a requirement, 95% of them also hold doctorate degrees.
Site visitors have received site evaluation training and understand what it takes to be accredited. They are familiar first hand with challenges and solutions, not only from experiences at their own accredited centers, but also in reviewing other centers seeking accreditation or re-accreditation. They are happy to share their knowledge, including effective suggestions and expert insights on how to meet criteria in areas identified as below standards.
Site visits are comprehensive and include interviews with staff in all departments that may have interaction with the counseling center. IACS site visitors are often helpful in validating the critical role of the center to key administration staff.

Interested in becoming an IACS site visitor?
To be an IACS site visitor, you must meet the following criteria:
- Hold a position involved with providing counseling at an IACS accredited center
- If not a center director, have permission from your center director
- Hold at least a Masters Degree
- Complete IACS site visitor training
For more information, please contact the IACS Executive Director.