Join a prestigious, worldwide group
of accredited centers

Earning and maintaining accreditation distinguishes your center with a commitment to excellence and a causative role in making the gold standard in student mental health care common practice. While IACS Standards for Accreditation are professionally demanding, we believe most counseling centers dedicated to achieving high quality will ultimately be able to meet them.

You’ll find the review process is:

  1. Constructive—promotes healthy self-appraisal and reveals areas for potential improvement.
  2. Non-contentiousincludes effective suggestions and expert insights on how to meet criteria in areas identified as below standards.
  3. Comprehensive—includes interviews during site visit with staff in all departments that may have interaction with the counseling center.
  4. Informative—is conducted by current and past center directors experienced in achieving and maintaining accreditation standards and a detailed report is shared with the center.
  5. Valuable—provides the benefits of an external perspective, including validation for what you’re doing well, new approaches to challenges, and innovative ideas from other centers.

We invite you to join us in making the gold standard common practice. A good place to start is reviewing the IACS Standards

“At key times, IACS officers also provided expert consultation on a variety of issues in a respectful and professional manner. That enabled me to communicate in a more nuanced and effective way to other university stakeholders, which, in turn, led to improvement in the counseling center’s relationship to a number of other departments. I highly recommend seeking and maintaining IACS accreditation.”

—John L. DiMino, Ph.D., Director
Tuttleman Counseling Services
Temple University